February 20 (Monday) – Monthly Meeting: Bob Binnie – Issues With Old Comb & Toxic Chemical Interactions In Our Colonies
Join us to hear Bob Binnie present an informative talk about old comb and how it affects our colonies. Bob is a commercial beekeeper and honey packer located in the southern Appalachian Mountains of northeast Georgia and for over thirty years has been doing business under the name of Blue Ridge Honey Company in Lakemont, Georgia. Bob initially became involved with migratory commercial beekeeping in Oregon in 1981 and due to operating as both a pollinator and honey producer has managed bees in nine states. Voted 2003 Beekeeper of The Year in Georgia, Bob has also been President of the Georgia Beekeepers Association, the Northeast Georgia Mountain Beekeepers Association and the Macon County Beekeepers Association in Franklin, North Carolina.
This event will be held at North Georgia Technical College. This course is FREE to all NEGAMBA members. Annual club dues are only $20/yr for a family membership. We’ll get together at 6:00pm for dinner in the college dining hall ($8.00). Class begins at 6:30pm. Due to size limitations of the gathering area, we need to know if you are coming–Please sign-up here so we know you’ll be joining us: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904044BAAA82EA4F85-monthly15