August 21st – Dr Keith S. Delaplane: Prospects for Inherited Immunity in Combating Honey Bee Diseases
This month Dr. Keith S. Delaplane will be speaking to our club on the topic of “Prospects for inherited immunity in combating honey bee diseases”. New beekeepers, existing beekeepers, and the community interested in learning more about beekeeping will benefit from this program.
Keith Delaplane is Professor of Entomology and Director of the honey bee program at the University of Georgia where he and his students study honey bee pollination, disease ecology, and social evolution. He is author of the 2000 book Crop Pollination by Bees published by CABI, and in 2021 the first of a two-volume second edition of the same title was released. Keith was lead editor of the 2020 edition of ABC and XYZ in Bee Culture, an encyclopedia of bee biology and beekeeping in continuous print by the AI Root Company since 1876. His upcoming books include Crop Pollination by Bees, 2d ed., Volume 2 by CABI Intl and Honey Bee Social Evolution by Johns Hopkins University Press. In 2014 he was inducted into the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his research and education efforts in honey bee health and management throughout the UK.
This event will be held at North Georgia Technical College. This course is FREE to all NEGAMBA members. Annual club dues are only $20/yr for a family membership. We’ll get together at 6:00pm for dinner in the college dining hall ($10.00). Class begins at 6:30pm. Not a member yet??? No problem, just show up to our meeting (your first meeting is free) and we will get you signed up!