March 18th – Legislation Update by Virginia Webb

Habersham County’s very own Virginia Webb is going to provide an update on current legislation and the Honey Identification Verification and Enforcement (HIVE) Act.

From Virginia’s website: Virginia is a highly sought after speaker for the beekeeping industry and agriculture. She has worked with beekeepers in almost every state and has traveled to Europe and the Caribbean teaching beekeeping for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Teaching others about honeybees and their roll in agriculture is an important service that Virginia has provided for over 30 years. Each year, she speaks to school children, church groups, civic organizations and retirement centers nationwide.

Besides being awarded Best Honey in the World four years by the World Honey Show, Virginia has won local, state, national and international competitions throughout the past 25 years. She has received more than 100 First Place Awards including Best of Show Awards for honey and beeswax entries. And for the past 5 years, MtnHoney has won America’s Good Food Award for their Sourwood Honey.