May 15th – Jimmy Gatt: What To Plant Now To Help Your Honey Bees During The Summer Dearth
Our bees need to eat…even during the summer dearth! Find out how to help them find some summer nectar when the major nectar flow has stopped. Jimmy Gatt is a Journeyman Beekeeper and President of the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association. He recently established a partnership between Trees Atlanta and Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association to plant more summer-blooming trees in Atlanta. He is passionate about the impacts of horticulture and beekeeping on our environment.
This event will be held at North Georgia Technical College (address below). This course is FREE to all NEGAMBA members. Annual club dues are only $20/yr for a family membership. If you are not a member yet, feel free to join us at any of our meetings and sign up in person. This month’s meeting begins at 6:30pm (NO DINNER SERVED AT THE COLLEGE AT THIS MEETING DUE TO SUMMER BREAK).
North Georgia Technical College – Dining Hall Annex
1500 Highway 197
Clarkesville, GA, 30523