April 17th – Dr Lewis Bartlett: Honey Bee Vaccine
Join us to hear Dr. Lewis Bartlett speak to our club about the recently approved honey bee vaccine. Dr. Lewis Bartlett is a faculty assistant research scientist at the University of Georgia between the departments of Entomology and Ecology. He works on infectious disease and parasite control alongside honey bee biology and health. He has worked with and kept bees for over ten years across the UK, California, and Georgia. Some of his recent research includes the effect of pesticide exposure on bee health, new parasite controls, crowding of honey bees, and the mechanisms bees use to keep themselves clean.
This event will be held at North Georgia Technical College. This course is FREE to all NEGAMBA members. Annual club dues are only $20/yr for a family membership. We’ll get together at 6:00pm for dinner in the college dining hall ($10.00). Class begins at 6:30pm. Due to size limitations of the gathering area, we need to know if you are coming–Please sign-up here so we know you’ll be joining us: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904044BAAA82EA4F85-monthly16