December 11th – Christmas Party & Cookie Exchange
Come, join us for our annual Christmas party and cookie exchange. Bring a dozen (or two) homemade cookies to share and take home with you. The kitchen is serving up a holiday feast, so come early to dine with us at the dining hall at 6 PM.($10) Meeting proper starts at 6:30 PM. ***Bonus! We’ll have a whole hive’s worth of door prize giveaways!!! Come for the fun, come for the food, come for the cookies…but best of all, come to hang out with the best club members ever!
This event will be held at North Georgia Technical College 1500 HWY197, Clarkesville, GA 30523. This course is FREE to all NEGAMBA members. Annual club dues are only $20/yr for a family membership. We’ll get together at 6:00pm for dinner in the Ramsey Hunter dining hall ($10.00). Class begins at 6:30pm. Not a member yet??? No problem, just show up to our meeting (your first meeting is free) and we will get you signed up!